Thursday, May 19, 2011

Being short

My niece Amy recently posted about being average height. She is 5'5". I am 5'2" (and no my eyes are not blue there kind of ..well that's a post for another day). Anyway, Amy's post prompted me to write on the same topic. Not sure where this is going but here goes.

I was always one of the shorter people in my life growing up. (As adults my siblings are all taller than me but I am the oldest.) I can't say I really minded it though. Being short gives one a lot of chances to be first... first in line for example. It (until my hair turned on me) made most people think I was younger than I was. That in itself is an interesting subject. I am guilty of it too.. why do we associate short with being younger?

The only thing being short ever stopped me from doing was playing basketball. I wasn't very good at basketball though so that's ok. I found other sports to play. And now, I run and height is not really an advantage in that.

Being short means I don't have to clean the tops of anything; the bookcase, the refrigerator etc. If I can't see the dust it doesn't bother me. Ok, I admit I do climb up there every so often actually clean the tops of those things but not because I had to and I doubt it's even once a year.

I think my height gives me an advantage in body surfing too. The spot where you need to be to catch the wave just right is neither too deep or too shallow for me. And I love body surfing so - advantage me! :)

And in case anyone want to know.. I do like Randy Newman's "Short People".  It's a great tune with a good message (if you listen to all of it).


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow the Giant posts about being tall woohahahaha!

Dave-Paula Tansey said...

Promises, Promises.

Amy Dashwood said...

Heehee. I'm looking forward to the Giant's post.
Aunt Paula, for the record, I don't think your eyes are really blue...or green...or brown...or hazel. They're Gormley, which is a combination of all four. And yes, Gormley is a color. I made it up.

Dave-Paula Tansey said...

Yes Amy. That's why I said it was a story for another day. I didn't know there was a name for it though. :)