Sunday, October 9, 2011

Things I learned at Canadian Thanksgiving

It's time for blogger challenge again. It is almost a year since Amy and Cara and I wrote our first blogger challenge. Today's entry covers Canadian Thanksgiving 2011. I realize that the title of this post is so similiar to our last challenge event: Laps for Lexi. I guess learning new things is my theme for the moment.

This year I learned that 20 somethings really mean it when they say "May I help". Dan and Emma peeled and cut up potatoes for dinner. I made the pumpkin soup at the same time. Our kitchen is not big enough for all this activity at one time but that's not something I learned. I've known that for years.

I learned that it is very difficlut to make Rolo tower when there are hungry people in the room. Aunt Chris brought a bag of Rolo's to share and a bag of Rolo's for Uncle Thomas. This is what's left of Uncle Thomas' bag as he tried to build a castle with them. Uncle Thomas did not complain (out loud anyway) about everyong taking *his* Rolos. For his example setting behavior took home the other bag and this bunch became the sharing bag.

I learned that 6 year olds are cute even when they think no one is looking. I'm not sure but I think he was trying to put his head through the rails. I'm happy to say he was unsuccessful. Although I suppose we could have gotten him out with turkey drippings and ham fat.

I learned that Robbie likes to play scrabble. I don't think he is in this picture but I did learn that. It is amazing how fast the game table can become the eating table.

Group 'kid' photos are hard to do in the sun!
Shadow pictures are much easier on the eyes.

If you want to remember to take the extra cranberries home to Erin who couldn't make it this year, put your car keys on top of the container in the fridge.

Ok I already knew how to play Canasta. It's been a long time since I played but a few minutes of explanation and I was back on track. Lesson learned during the game: A print tablecloth makes it hard to see the cards and 8 & 9 are supposed to be worth 10.
It was nice to have a game of cards. At first I thought "This is nice. The younger children were not in constant need of attention so we could play." Then I remember that the younger children went to the park with Amy, Emma, Dan, Amanda and Bruce and when they returned they were too busy eating dessert. :) Hey, whatever works.

Most of the family went home yesterday. Emma and Dan left this morning to see Arron off on his bike trip; Uncle Jean went back to Florida. Aunt Kt will stay for a few days. Our Uncle John passed away Thursday and she will be attending the services tomorrow.

Uncle Dave is doing softball and hockey games today. We are hoping he puts on the right gear at the right time!

I am enjoying a quiet Sunday at home. I vaccumed and mopped floors this morning and cleaned the stovetop which looked like we had exploded a turkey dinner on it. All in all though the day after clean up was mild compared to other years. (That is not a challenge in case anyone thought it might be).

It was fun and I alwasy enjoy it but I'm old and tired and my sinuses are speaking in loud voices. I think some allergy meds and a nap are in order later.

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