Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's been a while....

Hello again! Remember me? I've been busy the last ten days or so getting ready for and running my fourth marathon. You can read about the race here and about the day after here.

Here is a picture that someone affiliated with the race took at the start. I look a little serious I think. One of my friends called it a "game face". I think it was more "Please don't let me trip over the person in front of me". The races are very crowded at the start and people move slowly until there is enough room to acutally run. This race had 1000 people in it.

It was a very very very very very (get the idea) hilly course. Still I enjoyed the experience and the people. The race director set up a facebook fanpage that many of us wrote on in the months, weeks and days leading up to the event. And even though most of us havent met in person, even on race day, friendships developed through the common bond of preparing for and surviving the race. Friendships which will likely continue.

In two weeks (actually 11 days) USAFit/Philly will start offical training for the 2011 season. As organizer I will be pretty busy with that but I will try hard to keep up with my blog posts here.

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