Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The past two days have been very quiet and relaxing. As expected I was more sore on Monday morning that Sunday. Today though I feel better and I expect to go for a short walk tomorrow. It might rain, but I won't melt.

I slept in until 8 AM both Monday and Tuesday. That's pretty late for me. I am off work this week so I could do that. I spent a few hours both morning working on a project I brought home from work. I know that's not what I should be doing for a vacation but the peace and quiet helped me put the finishing touches on this project. It's a class that will be taught for the next two years (2011-2012) to every member of our Association. The Directors chose the topic and it was my job to write it. It's taken me about 4 months to get it this far and I needed the uninterrupted time to finish it off.

I've also spent some time reading (a favorite past time of mine) and cleaning up/organzing some end of season things for Phillyfit (my running group). I've spent a fair amount of time on Facebook too catching up with friends and family.

Today I ordered a Gymboss. This is an interval timer that will help with my long runs when i'm not with my friends who have pace devices. The idea is that you break up your long runs with walk intervals to keep from tiring out too fast. When you do this, you tend to run stronger run segments so you dont really lose much time and your legs are fresher for the last miles. A lot of my friends have fancy running watches that do all kinds of things in addition to tracking the intervals. But those watches are very expensive. The Gymboss is only $20.

I also wrote to our group blog today about my marathon experience. If you'd like to read it here is the link. I'd also like to share with you my creation of a few days ago "Twas the Night Before Philly". I wrote it to help some of our runners through the last day before the big race. As a way of background, three weeks before the marathon the runners and walkers do what is called, Taper. It is a time of reduced training to help the body heal from the stress of training and to give fresh legs for the race. It is a difficult time for some espeically for when (like with our group) you've been in training mode for almost 6 months. It is a time that often drives the runners a bit crazy; and so it is often called Taper Madness. So to (I hope) make them laugh and ease the madness I cannibalized Twas the Night before Christmas. My apologies to Clement Clarke Moore (or Henry Livingston) and also to those who are sticklers for grammar and punctuation.


Amy Dashwood said...

great poem! I love "rewrites" of old poetry. Kim and I are reading the Freddy the Pig books together, and Freddy likes to rewrite poetry for animals (such as The Midnight Run of Hank the Horse). :)

Kt said...

Ok - why are you apologizing to Clement Clark Moore OR Henry Livingston - is there some kind of scandal about who is actually responsible for the original poem? Intrigue!

@Amy - 'The Midnight Rid of Hank the Horse' - I love it!