Sunday, July 18, 2010

Run-Volunteer-Sit on the River

That more or less summarizes the weekend.

I was up at 5:30 on Saturday morning to meet with Phillyfit. We had a humid but successful meeting on the Perkiomen Trail. After that i went home for a quick lunch, shower and change of clothes and met 4 other Phillyfitters down on Boathouse row to volunteer for the BAck on My Feet 20 in 24 event.

Back on My feet is a nationwide program that started right here in Philadelphia. It's a program that introduces homeless people to running as a means of improving self esteem and confidence. The event lasts for 24 hours with 4 different types of running/walking.

1) teams compete in relays to run or walk the 8.4 mile loop that goes along the east and west river drives from the Art Museum to the Falls Bridge. Different levels of the relay determine how many loops the group does. The highest level had 5 people doing 4 loops each in a span of 24 hours (hence 20 in 24)

2) Lone Ranger runners/walkers run as many loops they can in 24 hours. The "winners" run over 100 miles in 24 hours. although I believe they are all winners just for having tried.

3) AT midnight there is a illuminated loop where about 500 runners do one loop competing for the prize of most illuminating! They dress up in battery powered lights!

4) and at 10 am on Sunday morning there is a pajama loop. you can figure that one out on your own.

The five of us from Phlilyfit worked at refresment stand #2 for about 4 hours. The stand was just past the 4 mile mark in the loop on the West River Drive. It was tiring. I can't imagine how the runners must have felt.

We were able to cheer on two other phillyfitters who were doing the lone ranger challenge.

Suffice it to say I slep very well on Saturday night!

On Sunday, after Dave finished his softball for the day, we went down to the Camden Riverfront for the WXPN Musci Festival. Dave recieved two tickets for his pledge to WXPN this year. We brought chairs and sat in the shade enjoying the river breezes for several hours. It was nice.

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