Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trip Update

I found a flight from Seattle to Philadelphia by way of Houston for $99 each. It leaves Seattle at 11:35 pm and arrive in Philadelphia at around 11:30 am the next day. It sounded perfect to us. The plan was to take the train/bus from Vancouver Saturday morning and spend the day in Seattle ending up at the airport in time for the flight. So I booked it.

So much for plans.... I have received an email from Continental. A new e-ticket, same confirmation number but now we are on a flight that leaves 11:30 AM Sunday morning and arrives in Philadelphia at midnight Sunday night. The original 11:35 pm flight is nohwere to be found on their website now. The thing is, I do not want to push us up against that wall. We'd still have all day Monday before I have to go back to work but if there were any more delays or lost luggage... ugh... I'd rather have the extra day even if we do nothing. So I will probably call Continental and tell them to move us the other direction to Saturday at 11:30 am instead. They better not give me any hassle about that! This way at least we have more wiggle room for delays. Of course either way arriving at midnight is not going to fun. It probably means a taxi home which is expensive. *sigh*.

It also means not sightseeing in Seattle but that's ok. We will be out to the west coast again some time to visit Carmen, Todd and the boys so we will have to make sure to do that next time.

Other than this little glitch.. and it really is little even though disappointing... all is well with the trip plans. I have yet to book a rental car or the hotel rooms we will need for three nights of the two week trip. With two months to go I think we are in good shape. I'd like to have everything in place more or less by the end of July I think.

2 month, 2 weeks, 2 days..... :)

1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

I will pick you up at the airport when you return, even if it is at midnight!! It's the least I can do and I promise NOT to forget this time!!!!