We were due at training between 10 and noon. We arrived just after 10. It was very humid. Very humid. We were wet just standing there waiting our turn. The balloon instructors took 21 people at a time (21 strings on the balloon). We were in the second group. It started to rain just as we took up the gloves and strings for our turn. Then it started to rain harder. Odie, the balloon we were practicing on did not like the cold and the rain. Despite our best efforts, the group could not get the feet to stay off the pavement. The instructor finally asked the people holding the foot (paw?) strings to stand under the feet and hold the balloon off the ground. The first group went around the parking lot twice. We went only once. It was really raining by this time. Good practice I suppose since the parade will go off rain or shine. I really hope it shines. :)
After this feeble attempt and practice we received our parade envelopes. We protected them from the rain inside our jackets and headed to the car. I couldn't wait to find out who or what we would escort down the parade route. If you were with us last year, you know that we ended up in yellow jumpsuits and purple wigs to carry ..................... Barney.
Well this year Barney isn't even in the parade. We must have done such a good job that they had to retire him. No? Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
This year we get to walk with

I am so psyched. Elmo is cool. See you on the 27th!
Have fun Dave and Paula! Hopefully Elmo will be very cooperative!
YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! cannot wait to tell erin!!! Remember, Elmo loves you!!!!
So what color wigs and suits do you get to wear this year?
Hope it doesn't rain (or snow!)
Hi Amy,
We will wear red jumpsuits and red wigs.
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