Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Thank you Amy for tagging me. I find these challenging but fun!

Okay, the rules of the game:1) Thank and acknowledge the person who sent you the tag (because that person thought of you, and also so that she doesn't get tagged twice!)2) Share ten honest facts about yourself.3) Give the Honest Scrap Award to several people whose blogs you enjoy and have been inspired by (and let them know about it!). You can also award this to people who don't blog--just let them know and they can fill theirs out in the comments.

1. I am a dork and proud of it. Dorkness has done me more good than harm over the course of my life.
2. I am a daydreamer. Even at night, as I drift to sleep I am almost always daydreaming about something. I've done this for as long as I can remember.
3. I talk to myself. And sometimes I get caught..... which is usually kind of funny
4. I love to read. I think that goes with the daydreaming thing. I get lost in a good book as if I was there.
5. I like to cook for my family. I am not gourment by any means... far from it. But I like to cook for my family.
6. I like to eat breakfast out.
7. I love my job. It is perfect for me. It's not really work it's just something I do.
8. I enjoy long distance running and walking
9. I am a terrible speller
10. I do not like getting dressed up. I am most comfortable in jeans or shorts, sneakers and a t shirt or sweater. (Is that really two things?)

I don't have as many readers as Amy does so by tag list would be short. So I tag anyone who reads this blog and invite you to share your own list.

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