Every second Saturday is an event in Media. Organized by the
Media Arts Council, Second Saturday tries to bring residents into town and to highlight the arts in the area. For July 2007, Second Saturday happened to be July 14th so a re-enactment of
Bastille Day was planned. With the help of the players from
Hedgrow Theater and the
Media Theater citizens stormed the Bastille (aka the Armory; also aka Trader Joes). The storming of the Bastile went off with one minor hitch - the citizens were still coming down the street when the call was made. Oh well.

After the successful taking of the Bastille, Media residents followed the players to a makeshift stage at the corner of Olive Street and State Street to hear Lafayette speak. Here he presented the key to the Bastille to General Washington and both men spoke about revolutions and independence. Obviously some literary license was taken here but the 4th of July can never fall on Second Saturday soooooooooooo. Here you see Lafayette and Washington framing a Septa bus filling in for the Media Trolley as the route was disrupted by the festivities. Note to organizers- clear the cars away from the Armory during the event and put the stage at Jackson and State so the sun won't get in the way of photos!
After those festivities there were introductions and celebration of Media being the first
Fair Trade Town in America (July 2006). Among the honorees were representatives of the second fair trade town, Brattleboro, Vermont.
Later in the evening, Cajun dancing lessons were given on State Street. I guess that was the closest they could get to French!
Nice US - French fusion by Media. Next year you and Dave should met me and Nate in Frenchtown, NJ for their Bastille Day celebration - we haven't ever been but it's supposed to be a blast.
Actually it was Emma and I who went to Second Saturday (Bastille Day in Media). Dave was doing a softball tournament. But we'd love to check out Frenchtown next year. I'll keep it in mind.
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